Live Stats Web Styles

ScoreKeeper generates two formats of live stats web pages and you choose which format to use. The first is the plain style where you can choose a few colors but ScoreKeeper does the rest. The second format uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to give style and structure to a very simple web site. Below three pages show basicaly the same data with a Red, Orange and Blue style sheet. ScoreKeeper comes with a couple of sample style sheets that someone familiar with web design can use as a starting point to make the pages fit your team's web site.

After viewing a window, simply close the window or tab to return to this screen.

Plain This is a plain "vanilla" web page where you can choose a small set of colors to make it somewhat fit your teeam's web site.
Red Identical data with a red themed style sheet applied
Orange Identical data with an orange themed style sheet applied
Grey-Blue Identical data with a grey-blue themed style sheet applied